
Friday, August 31, 2012

Letter L- Week 4


Sign your name worksheet
Penmanship, click here and here to print your own 

Art: Lemon dot art (you can add yellow glitter to it as well)


Sign your name worksheet
Go through all the letters and sounds

Art: Ladybug art


Write your name worksheet

Game:  (Cut out before you play) the ladybug 
matching shape game

Art: Free art of your choice


Circle Time
Write your name worksheet

Art: Lamb


Circle Time
Penmanship review

Art: Make a Lion

~Happy Weekend~

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Letter M (week 3)


Circle Time

Write your name worksheet

Penmanship:  Letter M worksheet 

Finger play dough with the letter M
Photo credit: Mudpies and Makeup

Cutting Skills


Circle Time

Write your name worksheet


M&M art
(as your doing activity, you can count m&m's and go over colors as well)

Make M&M man


Circle Time

Write your name worksheet


Cut out and color Mickey or Minnie


Circle Time

Write your name worksheet

Water color or color Monkey picture

Read a book that is about the letter M *or*  just any book ;)

Fun Friday:

Circle Time

Penmanship Review sheet: Only do M row

Cut, color and past puzzle


M is for Mouse

Happy Weekend!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week 2- Letter B

Here is an incentive chart for you to print out. It's a good idea for some of you who might be struggling to get your little ones to listen and do "school". Explain to them that if they do their worksheets/ art projects, and are good listeners that they'll get to put a star on their chart. If they fill out the whole chart at the end of the week maybe give them a special reward of your choice. ;)


Circle time

Write your name worksheet

Penmanship: Letter B worksheet
and more free printable's, here.

Art:     Butterfly Art Ideas


Circle Time

Write your name worksheet


Circle Time

Write your name worksheet

Skill: Tracing


Circle Time

Write your name worksheet

Art:  Ball Art

Fun Friday:

Circle Time

Read a book that begins with the letter B
Any book ;)

Review penmanship B worksheet (just the B letters)

Color letter B and have them cut it out (cutting skills)

Skill: Beading
Make a bracelet

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Letter T- Week 1

Our first week we will be starting with the letter T

Each day we will begin with circle time.

Circle time consists of: Calendar, Weather, Songs, Intro to letter of the week.
Show them how to write the letter of the week correctly on a white board.
Then have them try to write it themselves.

Circle Time song

(sing songs all week)

Click here for more songs

In your packet you will get:

A bag with all your art supplies for this week.

Our schedule for the week:


Circle time

Write your name worksheet

(printable template)

Go over alphabet with flashcards. This will help with identifying the letters.
You can do the sounds they make too if you want for more advanced learning.

Turtle art
Have them glue on squares, eyes and draw a mouth on the turtle


Circle time

Write your name worksheet

Read a book that starts with the letter T theme (or) just any book

-you can color with crayons (or) do water colors-


Circle Time

Write you name worksheet

T is for Tissue paper art


Circle Time

Write you name worksheet

Toothpick art
(glue on toothpicks)

Fun Friday

Circle Time

***Fridays are a time to have fun learning games/ activities***

Count the turtles then hide them easily around the house.
Have your child find the turtles and then put them in the correct order and count again.
 See if they can identify the numbers for fun.

***Remember to make learning fun and have tons of patience!
I recommend you creating a special space in your home where you can do "school work" with your child.

For fun: Cute printable for the 1st day of school picture, click here.

Tell me how your first week went!